juli 16, 2021
— Kasper Ullits (CPO/Founder)

Founder's insights: Stepping into the unknown

Stepping Into The Unknown

Summer vacation is right around the corner.

I have done it before and I will beyond any doubt return safe and energized to the office.

I must admit that I am eager to see what's next within the workplace domain. New models for the future office are starting to show and for almost all of us, this is untouched territory.

We are all trying to make plans for how to “land on the moon” - and these include having the best possible tools and support when we start the journey of pursuing a purpose with having an office post pandemic.

The journey for most companies will start right after summer and as with everything else, please take it one step at the time, take your time – but take the first step as soon as possible!

Before taking off on summer vacation, I have had some super meetings with customers and partners, listening to their challenges, concerns, and opportunities on how their future office will transform and embrace the new normal.

My top 5 list of inputs from these meetings are:

  • Be curious! The new “unknown” will require you to listen, observe and be ready to change course during the transformation.

  • Do one thing at a time! Do an analysis, plan, execute, review – and repeat.

  • No size fits all! Every company has its own culture, and departments and even individual employees may require different sets of attention.

  • Be sure to involve your employees. It is so important they know that their involvement is critical for this to be a success.

  • No leaders/managers or employees have found the ultimate solution yet, but we are getting closer. Now is the time to start the journey.
“Houston, we have a problem.”
Houston We Have A Problem

What if you need to repeat these famous words in the process?

Please don't worry – we got you covered! Reach out to us - my colleagues or myself. We know how technology can assist you in the transformation and afterwards - and this way, we can help you pursue the outstanding office.

And stay calm - it's much easier to transform your office than landing on the moon!

Klar til at se, hvad Pronestor kan gøre?