Case study

Pronestor Customer: Gentofte Municipality

With 850 meetings per month and an increasing number of resources, Gentofte Municipality needed a system which could manage resources, create an overview and optimize the working procedures for all parties involved in regards to the booking of meetings and resources. The results are a complete overview and delivered reliability in relation to bookings. Internal invoicing has become fully automated. Gentofte Municipality saved 86 hours per month, spread across all involved departments and personnel.

The facts

  • Gentofte Municipality consolidates everything in one and the same system, thereby saving 86 hours a month
  • Meeting organisers save between 15-20 minutes per meeting booking and experience fewer mistakes
  • Integration with Outlook is today indispensable. The kitchen now deals with less administrative work, fewer delivery mistakes and less frustration
  • The accounts department has optimised their bookkeeping of meeting expenses and saves 20 hours per month

Total savings = 86 hours per month, equalling around DKK 22,000 per month at an hourly rate of DKK 250. 

The challenge

Double bookings of meeting rooms, cars and mistakes in, for example, catering were an everyday occurrence for employees at Gentofte Municipality.

With 500 employees and 850 meetings per month it was necessary for Gentofte Municipality to find a system which could optimise the working procedures for everybody involved, whilst giving them an overview over the many meeting rooms, catering options and resources available, including cars, laptops and projectors.

Before Pronestor, meeting organisers would deliver hand written order forms to the kitchen and city hall clerks when catering needed to be ordered or when AV-equipment, cars etc needed to be booked. Meeting rooms were booked via Outlook’s standard resource management system.

Lack of overview over available meeting rooms, frequent mistakes together with the time consuming nature of the booking process, were the cause of a lot of frustration for employees.

A lot of time was spent double checking bookings when a meeting was moved or cancelled.

“Pronestor Planner gives us a complete overview of all meeting rooms and resources. All employees experience a significantly less time consuming process with regards to holding meetings and booking resources. The entire invoicing procedure has been automated. We are extremely content with the solution. ”
– Lars Nibelius - System Administrator for Pronestor Room & Catering, Gentofte Municipality

The result

Pronestor Planner consolidates all the city hall’s meeting resources into one system. Meeting organisers have a complete overview, and it is easy to book, cancel, move and copy meetings together with the room, catering, equipment etc.

The simplified working procedures and the overview provided by the system mean that meeting organisers save between 15 and 20 minutes per meeting booking, dependent upon the size and nature of the meeting.


Automated invoicing frees up time

The solution’s functions give both technical staff and the kitchen a complete overview over bookings and tasks so that daily productions can easily be planned and carried out.

Unnecessary administration time spent, for example, on moving meetings is no longer an issue, as Pronestor Planner automatically incorporates a time-buffer between each meeting in a particular room.

Much time is saved and fewer mistakes are made as a result of the requirement for meeting organisers to submit all relevant information, such as, catering, delivery time and place.

Double bookings can no longer take place. The kitchen has achieved a daily time saving of around 75 minutes and technical staff now spend much less time than before, despite administering and planning more resources and tasks.

In Gentofte Municipality the individual departments pay their own expenses. Relevant information on expenses, for example catering, is automatically transferred from Pronestor Planner to the finance system, so that manual bookkeeping is avoided, saving Gentofte Municipality around 20 hours per month.

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