Case study

Pronestor Customer: Carnegie

Lack of meeting facilities overview and a specific desire to reduce the manual working procedures in relation to meeting planning led Carnegie Bank to Pronestor. The result after implementing Pronestor Planner is that all users have a full overview of all resources and all resources can be booked in one manoeuvre and in one and the same system. This ensures professional holding of meetings, which is an essential part of the workday.

The challenge

Carnegie Bank has its offices in Christianshavn, in the centre of Copenhagen, in beautiful, historical and exceptionally well maintained buildings.

Lack of overview over meeting facilities and a specific desire to reduce the man power needed in relation to meeting planning, led Carnegie Bank to Pronestor.

This motivation was further strengthened after an unsuccessful attempt at implementing a similar product from a competitor.

The result

All employees can book meeting resources themselves, directly through their Microsoft Outlook calendars.

It is an efficient tool, providing employees with the necessary overview of meeting rooms, resources and other services, that they themselves can book.

This has removed a heavy workload from the reception, which previously had been the centre point from where meetings were booked. When a meeting booking is made, Pronestor Planner automatically sends information to the kitchen for ordering the desired catering.

After a meeting room and any potential catering is booked, users can subsequently go in and add further information, e.g. regarding participants.

Pronestor Planner features a variety of reporting possibilities and gives, amongst other things, the possibility for the user to see and print an overview of all the rooms and planned meetings.

The accounts department can do the same when it, for example, needs to send an invoice to individual departments for the catering of their meetings.

When meetings are held with clients, everything has to emit professionalism and quality. Christina Müller, an expert user of the bank’s Pronestor Planner, ensures this happens:

”We use the solution to obtain an overview of all our meeting rooms, to plan the many and daily meetings, to reserve meeting rooms with the desired technical equipment, to arrange the placing of tables and chairs and to organise catering, whether it be just tea, coffee and water or a lunch arrangement.”


“Pronestor Planner is a very easy and clear tool to use and is fully integrated with our Outlook calendar. All meeting room reservations, catering etc. are made through the Outlook-calendar as a natural extension of meeting planning in Microsoft Outlook. All employees can access and book their own desired meeting resources.”
– Christina Müller - Receptionist, Carnegie Bank

The IT department

Pronestor Planner has become an invaluable working tool for Carnegie Bank, and Jaqueline Fredman from the bank’s IT department is very pleased with that. She suggested Pronestor Planner, after gaining a good impression of both the system and the company behind it from an introductory meeting.

The system was therefore installed for a trial period during which her positive impression was confirmed.

“It was clear to all, that it was by far a better solution for Carnegie than the systems we had previously tested. There were just a few minor adjustments to be made before we could implement it.”

Therefore Pronestor’s solution was chosen. It is a decision that everyone has supported, explains Jaqueline Fredman:

”We could use the solution, nearly as it was. There were just a few minor adjustments to be made and these were carried out quickly by the two consultants whom Pronestor allocated for the job. So the system was up and running without any problems. It is, as expected, easy to use and comes with a short, excellent user guide.

All users -around 100- are extremely happy with it. The same applies to the support we get from Pronestor. It is not often needed, but when we once in a while call on them, we have received the necessary help straight away.”

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LanguageWire (Case study)

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