Case study

Pronestor Customer: NorSea

Interrupted meetings, people sitting in booked meeting rooms and a lack of overview of meeting facilities were everyday scenarios at NorSea. They also struggled to create easy procedures for their multiple tenants sharing resources, particularly regarding invoicing and setting up rules for booking meeting rooms. With the implementation of Pronestor’s solutions, NorSea now experiences much more efficient meeting planning procedures and has gained valuable insights into the use of their meeting facilities.

The facts

  • NorSea consolidates everything in one and the same system, which in terms of simplified working procedures, optimized meeting room usage and overall quality improvement of the workplace has resulted in an ROI that equals to 3x the cost of the solution

  • Meeting organizers experience time- and cost-efficient booking now that they can book catering directly as part of the meeting booking procedure

  • The accounts department has automized their bookkeeping process in relation to meeting expenses, saving approx. 90% of time spent on this process

  • NorSea has obtained more transparency with the synergy achieved through the integration of Pronestor Planner, Pronestor Display and Pronestor Visitor

The challenge

NorSea Denmark, one of Europe’s leading multi-service suppliers to the offshore industry, is located in House of Offshore Innovation in Esbjerg, which is also home to a co-working space housing a current total of 24 companies.

Several organizations and tenants in one building mean a variety of booking systems for meeting rooms and resources. Consequently, tenants frequently experienced other tenants occupying meeting rooms they had booked as well as other tenants interrupting ongoing meetings in the belief that they had booked the meeting room.

Procedures for booking meeting rooms, catering and equipment and the following invoicing were time-consuming, complicated and manually heavy. A better and unified way to manage meeting rooms was required.

Further, NorSea had no overview of how and when meeting facilities were used. They were lacking an overall understanding of the usage of meeting facilities as well as of the the needs and demands of their tenants. Hence, they had no prerequisites for improving the meeting culture in their shared office.

““With Pronestor, we have obtained a meeting room booking system that is easy to use and that gives a transparent overview of our shared facilities. Meeting organizers now experience time- and cost-efficient booking processes.””

The result

The number one priority for NorSea was to obtain a meeting room booking system applicable for multiple companies.

With Pronestor Planner, all companies and tenants can now book meetings and resources in one integrated and user-friendly system that saves considerable time for both meeting organizers, the accounts department, office managers and the kitchen.

The use of meeting facilities has been optimized as tenants now have a much simpler booking process. Moreover, administrators have gained full overview of which rooms have been booked and when. The data provided by Pronestor Planner and the statistical module Pronestor Insights has given valuable knowledge about meeting room usage, allowing NorSea to continuously evaluate on and react to the demands from tenants concerning the meeting facilities.

In NorSea’s opinion, the real synergy has taken place with the integration of Pronestor Display and Pronestor Visitor. With Pronestor Display, meeting rooms are automatically released if they are not confirmed, making them available for others to book right away. Further, tenants can book spontaneous meetings and avoid interrupting ongoing ones as a meeting room’s availability is visible directly on the screen located outside the room. Meeting room usage in general has become more transparent to employees as well as administrators.

At the same time, Pronestor Visitor has ensured a more professional visitor experience for visitors arriving at NorSea’s location as they are well informed about the building and meeting before their arrival. Administrators on their side obtain an accurate overview of the number of guests planned to arrive on a specific day.

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Pfizer (Case study)


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