Gentofte Municipality is a municipality in Denmark with a population of around 75.000 people.
Gentofte Municipality employs around 500 people.
Gentofte Municipality experienced double bookings of resources on a daily basis.
Planner helps Gentofte Municiplaity save up to 20 minutes in processing per meeting room booked.
Double bookings of meeting rooms and cars, as well as mistakes in catering was an everyday occurrence for employees at Gentofte Municipality.
With 500 employees and 850 meetings per month they needed to find a system which could optimize the workflows of everyone involved in booking meeting rooms, equipment, and catering while also giving employees an overview of the many meeting rooms, catering options, and resources available - including cars, laptops and projectors.
Before implementing Sign In Workspace solutions meeting organizers would deliver hand written order forms to the kitchen or city hall clerks, when ordering catering or booking AV-equipment, cars etc.
At the same time, meeting rooms were booked via Outlook’s standard resource management system.
The missing overview of available meeting rooms resulted in frequent mistakes and a time consuming booking process, and in turn caused a lot of frustration for employees.
Sign In Workspace Planner allows Gentofte Municipality to consolidate all the meeting resources of city hall in one system.
Meeting organizers have a complete overview of every resource available, and it is easy to book, cancel, move and copy meetings as well as room bookings, catering, and equipment.
The simplified working procedures and the overview provided by the system mean that meeting organizers save between 15 and 20 minutes per meeting booking depending on the size and nature of the meeting.
Automated invoicing frees up time.
The automated invoicing in Sign In Workspace Planner gives both technical staff and the kitchen staff a complete overview of bookings and tasks, which means that daily production can easily be planned and carried out.
In Gentofte Municipality, individual departments are responsible with their own expenses.
With Sign In Workspace Planner, relevant information on expenses like catering is automatically transferred to their finance system, which eliminates the need manual bookkeeping. This feature saves Gentofte Municipality around 20 hours per month.